Post by SongofWindchimes on May 28, 2011 23:44:50 GMT -5
*lunges for Clearance with a handful of Pen*
Name of character: Trisha Walker Name of Shop: Main Buying: Basculin (Red Stripe) Total cost of item(s): $300
Tada %%Birthday Cake%%
Posts: 19,152
Post by Jay on May 29, 2011 10:46:23 GMT -5
Name: Species: Basculin (Red Stripe) Gender: Male Ability: Mold Breaker Personality: A rather laid back creature who takes life as it comes, this Basculin is pretty good natured over all. He likes making friends, but is a tad sharp towards Basculin with Blue Stripes and will tend to get a tad edgy around them. He has a habit of getting distracted by shiny things and will tend to drop whatever he was doing to stare at the 'pretty lights' as he calls them himself, and he will sometimes try to collect whatever shiny thing that has happened to catch his eye.